The birth numbers explained

Introduction to the energy of numbers
Numerology is not just about numbers, numerology is about the application of the numbers. It's about making a connection.
Numerology is not just about numbers, numerology is about the application of the numbers. It's about making a connection. I would like to connect with anyone who is interested in numerology. I therefore cordially invite you to ask questions and draw attention to issues. We learn from this and we gain clarity in the application of the numbers. So don't hesitate and send me an email.
A question I am regularly asked:
I know my numerology PIN and my mission. What should I do next?
For many, getting to know the energy of the numbers is a confirmation of the energies they already felt deep within. After all, we follow the energy for granted. We also know that we have a choice whether or not to go along with the change in energy.
What the energy of your numbers offers you is to become aware of the energy. For example, if you only have power numbers (1,4,8) in your PIN code, you should be aware that you will not be happy if you have to act subservient. If you do not have the energy of the power numbers in your PIN code, you will not easily set up your own business or find work and matter important. The numbers subtly indicate why you do or don't do certain things. It invites you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. For example: “What does freedom mean to me? What does creativity mean to me? What does harmony mean to me?”
The composition of our date of birth and birth names makes us authentic and unique and we give our own meaning to life; then makes who we are.
With your PIN code and mission in your pocket, you can further develop your awareness to perpetuate peace and love within yourself.
Numerology reveals, unfolds and affirms who we are at our core.

Find out your birthchart fun to do