When do I have a master number as a mission and how do I calculate it?


People with an 11, 22 or 33 mission will again have the opportunity in this life to connect themselves with their gift of consciousness.


You calculate your mission in this life by adding the numbers of your date of birth. The number that comes out here is your mission. We reduce all numbers to one number. However, if your number ends up being 11, 22 or 33, they will not be reduced. If your mission/final number is 11 or 22 or 33, we call those master numbers or consciousness numbers.

What does a master number mission entail?
People who take a master number with them as a mission in this incarnation have had to keep their mouths shut (or silence themselves) in previous lives. This is to connect oneself with the higher level of consciousness. People with an 11, 22 or 33 mission will again have the opportunity in this life to connect themselves with their gift of consciousness, for example with clairaudience, -seeing, -smelling, -knowing and/or -feeling.

They were given this mission as a talent and with the intention of developing it now (the photo has been taken, but they must make it visible in this life by having the roll printed).

In case of ignorance about their mission, the person in question often leads a hectic life. They constantly feel the need to rise above mediocrity. They often face challenges, the result of which is 'all or nothing'. They are hard workers who strive for material wealth, but in these types of situations this involves trial and error. Only when the mind becomes purer will the meaning become clear and they will magically learn to see the connections between the physical and immaterial world. This is where their real strength lies.

Yet there are some differences and 11, 22, 33 cannot be lumped together. What unites them is that all three of them possess an advanced consciousness that must reveal itself in this life.

Those who do not possess master numbers have already developed the associated gifts or it is not a point of attention for them in this life. What the 11, 22 and 33 also have in common are visions and dreams. Moreover, they are sensitive to addictions and should limit their addictions as much as possible.

Calculate your date of birth
When calculating a date of birth, confusion can occur when it comes to the energy of the numbers, 2 or 11, 4 or 22 and 6 or 33.

The numbers 11-22-33 are not reduced.

I give an example for each number when the mission concerns the energy of a master number or not. A master number is not common.

To calculate this accurately, I use 2 methods. If both methods result in a master number, then we also use the energy of a master number.

Does my mission contain the energy of the number 2 or the number 11?

Born December 27, 1961

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 2+7+1+2+1+9+6+1=29= 2+9=11

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of day of birth/month/year;

27= 2+7=9
12= 1+2=3
1961= 1+9+6+1=17=1+7=8
PIN code: 9+3+8=20=2+0= 2

The two methods do not agree; in this case the mission is the energy of the number 2.

Born on April 2, 1985

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 2+4+1+9+8+5=29= 2+9=11

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of day/month/year

4 = 4
1985= 1+9+8+5=23=2+3=5
PIN code: 2+4+5= 11

Both methods are similar: in this case the mission is the energy of the master number 11.

Does my mission contain the energy of the number 4 or the number 22?
Born on January 18, 2019

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 1+8+1+2+0+1+9=22

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of day/month/year

18= 1+8= 9
1= 1
2019= 2+0+1+9=12=1+2= 3
PIN code is 9+1+3=13= 1+3=4

The two methods do not agree; the mission is the energy of the number 4.

Born on August 12, 2009

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 1+2+8+2+0+0+9=22

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of day/month/year

12= 1+2=3
2009= 2+0+0+9=11
PIN code: 3+8+11=22

Both methods are similar; the mission is the energy of the master number 22.

Does my mission contain the energy of the number 6 or the number 33?

Born on November 25, 1995

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 2+5+1+1+1+9+9+5=33

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of the day/month/year of birth

25= 2+5=7
11= 11
1995= 1+9+9+5= 24= 2+4=6
The PIN code is 7+11+6= 24=2+4=6

The two methods do not match: the mission is the energy of the number 6.

Born on September 20, 1975

Method 1: addition of the birth number: 2+0+9+1+9+7+5=33

Method 2: addition of the individual numbers of day/month/year.

1975= 1+9+7+5=22
PIN code is 2+9+22 = 33

Both methods are similar; the mission is the energy of the master number 33.

By using both methods you can carefully and clearly explain the mission.

Master numbers in your date of birth

You have a master number in your date of birth if your birthday falls on the 11th, 22nd or 29th (because 2+9 = 11) of the month.

The month of November, as the eleventh month of the year, has the energy of the master number 11.

Since 2009 (energy of an 11 year) we have an 11 year every nine years, so in 2018, 2027, 2036 etc.

In the following birth years there was a 22 energy: 1939 - 1948 - 1957 - 1966 - 1975 - 1984 - 1993. Only in the birth year 2200 is there a 22 energy again.

The energy of the number 33 is very rare.

People with the energy of a master number in their date of birth also have brought a higher consciousness to earth, but this is less strongly present than the energy of the master number/final number of your mission.